When using the Mail Account Manager, bundled inside the Hepsia Web Hosting Control Panel it is possible to efficiently and quickly control all of your current email accounts, irrespective of how many websites you’ve got. It’s easy to sort email accounts, start anti–spam, set e–mail forwarding with just a click and set up filters for use on your email accounts. Because of the auto–configure scripts, you will be able to instantly configure your mail client to function with every email account you have. And that’s just a little part of what our Mail Account Manager can help you with.


Developed to hold spam away from you

Nobody wants spam within his e–mail account. This is the reason, we have made a customizable anti–spam solution in accordance with adequately devised algorithms that filter out inbound emails and hold the junk e–mail away.

You can choose among several amounts of protection, depending on exactly what junk messages you get. Also, it is easy to designate a distinct degree of spam protection for several mailboxes. Finally, you can choose what will happen to emails marked as spam – to be deleted or sent to a certain mailbox.

Hepsia File Manager

Email Forwarding

Route messages from a single email address to a different one

We’ve managed to make it really simple for you to forward emails from a mailbox to an alternative one in your Linux shared hosting account. All that you should do is select the e–mail account you’d like to have to forward and then fill in the desired mailbox where you would like all of the messages to get delivered to.

You may as well enable a copy of each and every forwarded message to be left inside the email account which you have got forwarded.

Hepsia File Manager

Email Filters

Set your mailbox in order

While using the Mail Account Manager of your Web Hosting Control Panel, it is definitely simple to create different e–mail filters. All you need to execute is define the key words that will be used to filter messages and precisely where the filter should look for them (subject, body, etc.) and then select the measures that’ll be applied to the filtered e–mail messages.

Hepsia File Manager

Email Protection

DomainKeys and SPF (Sender Policy Framework) security for one’s mailbox

Security is one of Spacer Web Hosting’s prime goals. And this includes your e–mail messages. All email accounts are protected automatically by DomainKeys, a service also employed by Yahoo, Google and AOL. It shows a simple way to connect the sender’s domain using the email message.

SPF (Sender Policy Framework) protection can be described as a solution which can affect pretty much all e–mail accounts under a specific site. It serves to prevent ’email forging’ – in other words sending e–mails from a mailbox not created on your web server.

Hepsia File Manager

Email Auto–Configure Solution

Set up an e–mail address on your computer in a mouse–click

When you log into e–mail account using your laptop or desktop machine, it is likely that you work with an e–mail client. To save you the difficulty of needing to personally include every new email account to your mail client, we have added clever ’auto–configure’ files. Simply get hold of the file and open it up with your mail application – this will automatically create your inbox in your favored desktop client.

We have auto–configure files for: Mozilla Thunderbird, Mac Mail, Outlook and also Outlook Express.

Hepsia File Manager


Available on any device, anywhere

Any time you do not have the option to access an email client, it’s easy to browse through e–mail by means of our webmail client – Roundcube. There is just a single web address you need to recall, and you can now visit it through any web–connected device anywhere in the world!

You might also instantly sign in through your Web Hosting Control Panel, while not having to type in any sort of e–mail sign in credentials.

Hepsia File Manager